Frequently Asked Questions About Our Metal Finishing & Anodizing Services in St. Paul, MN
We believe that the best metal finishing and custom anodizing service and products are achieved by answering all questions before problems arise. To facilitate this flow of information, we are providing you an opportunity to ask our talented staff questions that could lead to better products ideas, improved quality, and lower costs.
While there are a lot of questions related to custom anodizing and precision metal finishing, we have found that a lot of times, clients ask one of the common thirteen questions listed below. We are world class metal finishing experts, and are happy to provide you with the answer. For answers to these questions and more, please submit your questions to
- How do I know what alloy or substrate to use? (i.e., aluminum, steel, magnesium, plastic, wood)
- Are there any areas on the part that need to be free of coating? If so, are those areas dimensionally critical?
- What is the best finish? Paint, E-Coat, Anodize, etc.?
- What areas are critical to inspection?
- How do I get the surface finish I want?
- Any gloss, texture or coating thickness requirements?
- Screen printing requirements? Is the screen or camera-ready artwork available?
- Are there finishing specifications available?
- Are there minimums?
- Packaging requirements? Layer pack, foam wrap, bulk pack, or individual poly bag?
- Any labeling required?
- Any extensive testing required? Salt spray, temperature, humidity, etc.?
- Are sample parts required?
Please submit your questions to us and we will respond in a timely manner to assist you in getting the best product for the money and to meet your product requirements. Remember, Nor-Ell is your trusted anodizing specialist.